23 Mar 2006

oldies, but goodies

Internet at my office works awfully, if at all, blogger works awfully, so i've been using the traditional pencil/notebook method a lot lately. Anyway, three bits of news that i was willing to post for a while.
first: some time ago, i learnt from Stefan Liute that Grapefruit finally came to Bucharest as well, about two streets away from where i work. I'm really glad and i wish the guys there good luck.
second, Biz brought daily Dilbert comics in Romania(n), which seemed like a cute initiative to me, since i've been a fan of these comics for a while now. However, only recently have i started to read the Dilbert.blog by Scott Adams, which i find entertaining in the sense in which words and pictures is entertaining.
and finally, third goody, Audiovisual #03 at the Czech center: Famu animations to be presented on the 30th of March. must-go!

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