5 Mar 2006

Book Meme 123.5

i'm not necessarily in a blogger's block, it's just that i spent too many hours at work lately. Which meant that instead of watching movies or going out or reading blogs, i focused almost entirely on reading magazines (especially now, with two new entries: Time Out Bucharest and Altitudini), comics (and i finally bought the first two volumes of the Romanian version of Tintin's Adventures) and watching animated shorts from either You tube or Atom Films. Of course, i gained a lot of information, so to say, as well as all sorts of (crazy) thoughts. But i am too lazy and tired to write about them now, so i will write about later and i will now solve Yaro Starak Book Meme 123.5. Cause i really liked the idea.

Book Meme: 123.5
1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.
5. Don’t search around and look for the “coolest” book you can find. Do what’s actually next to you.
So, here i go:
1. Brand new brand thinking, edited by Merry Baskin and Mark Earls.
2. been there, done that.
3. page 123 only contains two sentences, so i will keep on counting on the next page .
4. "Since the currency of advertising is ideas, we make our contribution by developing ideas that will affect the fortunes of brands."
And now i am tempted to quote the next phrase as well:
"There are two ways a planner can do this:
  • by developing an original and powerful thought through creatve inspiration, imagination or intellect, and sending the brand down that route regardless of where the brand is coming from or going to, with the conviction that the effects will in any event be positive;
  • by following a discipline of thinking, using knowledge gained from research, to explore all potential avenues and identify that with the greatest potential to trigger the creative imagination about what might get the brand there in the most powerful way."
5. eeerr, so that's about it.

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