9 Apr 2006

caution: contains lots of bad photos

ok, so i've taken a huge blogging pause and i deeply dislike it. mostly because i tend to start to forget what i've been doing lately and this is not right; makes me feel like i haven't done anything. which is not exactly true.
So...last week i've been to "Tigrisorul caruia ii placeau mult clatitele" (The tiger who loved pancakes), which was extremely enjoyable from the point of view of observing children, their behavior, their implication, and of course, their relationship with the parents. Oh, just to remember, i liked Calin Dan's exhibition a lot, especially, the Djambi series (fav - djambi(run)), Amsterdam bite, Jimijan, Iceland (home made) and Wilheminastrat. And, of course, pas (de deux), especially since it starred R Mazilu. Then, on friday i went to see "Carmen", the Ballet de Madrid version, which was probably the worst show i've ever been to, with no orchestra, mixed playback, misleading lights and so on. A dreadful disgrace. But happily, last night, i went to see "The fantastic symphony" at the Opera, a performace i will remember for quite a while. And it was not just because i'm so fond of basically any performance from Razvan Mazilu.
While walking on Academiei, i noticed this and absolutely adored it...i think i stayed fo some good minutes watching it. Whoever placed it there, made me day, so thanks!

Then, some random pics of various things which caught my attention:

And I've enjoyed spring a lot:

after this nonsense, i will go back to some posts on planning. that's a promise :).

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