16 Jan 2007

the blogosphere just got richer

I've spent a lot of time talking to various people about the wonderful events organized by the Czech Centre Bucharest. And each time i was sorry i couldn't indicate a site or a blog which was less formal than the official site and provided much more information (and pictures, and movies and all that) both about the Czech Centre projects, and about the discussions that followed most of these projects. Which is why we kept on nagging Monika about starting a blog, and she eventually decided to do so :). Czech-it is a must-read for anybody who wants to stay in touch with some great people doing great things.
Keep up the good work !


Anonymous said...

uaaau!!! cat am asteptat asta! si cand te gandesti cate institutii de cultura comunica asha... PS: Monica e noul lor PR si coordonator de evenimente? 10x, Diana!

diana said...

si eu am asteptat multa vreme !!
monika e directoarea centrului ceh, ana blidaru este noul PR/coordonator evenimente :)

nenorocitu said...

eu ma oftic enooorm ca vroiam de multa vreme sa vad "the czech dream" si tocmai azi cand rula filmul nu am putut ajunge :(

diana said...

nici eu n-am putut ajunge :(
sper sa fac totusi rost cumva, si daca reusesc, iti spun :).