23 Jun 2006

sweet taste of summer

after working like hell for a while, i finally have some less-busy days. Which is great for at least two reasons. First of all, because i was able to read and learn a lot of new things (including catching up with some blogs, cause i hadn't done it in a while, which gave me a strange feeling of being left behind :D), and to make some plans from this point of view. Second, because i was able to go out again, which is great cause it allows me both to enjoy myself and to do some thinking on the spot. And that's how most ideas come to me, i must admit. Plus, after experiencing some rather funny and disappointing personal issues, i am very much in the mood for trying out new places, going to coffee-shops a lot, talking to people, observing etc etc etc...and movies...ah yes, movies...
So, anyway, yesterday i went to "Whisky", an enjoyable movie about which i will write on movie blog, with God's help.
And then i headed for Art Jazz Club, for an even more enjoyable Silent Strike concert, which proved to be exactly what i needed: the atmosphere was great, the company, very sweet, all those small details that make something close to perfect set in order and so on. I took lots and lots of tremendously bad photos, but all in all had a great time. i just need to eventually buy the man's cd.

Then, as we were on the way to my car, we stopped a bit on the Amsterdam terrace, for more pleasant talk about marketing and IBM and stuff and relaxing atmosphere. Going further towards the car, i noticed this on the pavement, in front of the Atheneum. I hadn't noticed before and i cannot stop wondering just how long it had been there, and who did it and so on .

A perfect ending for the evening was the great concert we stopped for in Green. Jazz e-scape reunited Tom Smith, Matt Smith, Vlaicu Golcea, Sorin Romanescu and DJ Vasile, who performed beautifully. The only minor problem was that i couldn't have a great coffee, as i would have liked to, cause due to some repairing, they didn't have any water in Green. But still, we couldn't help talking about how lucky we are.

oh, and as a fugitive thought, the place was so branded with Heineken, that it was for the first time when i felt that "meet you there" might actually make some sense :)).Depeche Mode tonight. Gallery/exhibitions day tomorrow. Boy, what a life! Heehah!

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